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All OMRON products are capitalized in this manual. and I/O capacity as the CP1L PLCs, but offer a built-in Ethernet port and indepen- dent FB capacity. Contact your OMRON representative for further details and applicable conditions for these standards. ? CPU Units. Built-in Ethernet port. Built-in USB port. The CP1W-EIP61 adapter allows other PLCs to connect to an Omron CP1L/H PLC and share up to 100 words of data in each direction with the originator PLC. Omron CJ / CS series PLCs or NSJ hybrid controller with EtherNet/IP modules, Operations manual for details on the IO mapping for different CP1L or CP1H. Ethernet Option Board provides receiving commands by OMRON standard protocol FINS for CP1L and CP1H programmable controllers. The Ethernet. High Performing Programmable Controller with Embedded Ethernet If you Login / Signup, you can download the PDF of the Manual. English. Global Edition. PleaseEthernet. Option. Board. CP1W-CIF41. Can be used to communicate with these units supported OMRON FINS/TCP,. FINS/UDP protocol. 20 g max. CP series CP1L CPU Unit High Performing Programmable Controller with Embedded Ethernet. Instruction execution time, Basic instructions: 0.55 ?s min.
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